
[2011-2021]: List of recommended stocks

Dear Investor, We firmly believe in the idea of wealth creation and achieving financial independence using the Power of Equities. We just love digging up unidentified, undiscovered small-mid cap stocks with great potential for wealth creation.   For the same we put in countless hours of research, due-diligence, discussions and focus on the key aspects of nature of business, management quality, financial performance and most importantly the valuations at which we are getting the business.   We understand the fact that when…

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We largely invest in Small and Mid Cap Stocks…and have our reasons for the same !!

Dear Investor,Let me share with you an interesting snippet from the book ‘One up on Wall Street’ by the legendary investor Peter Lynch.He says that during his time in the market he noticed that fund managers usually refrained from investing in unknown stocks. The key reason he identified for this was that when a fund manager wanted to invest in a computer business and he/she chose a name unheard of and the stock did not work well, then the entire…

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Limited Losses, Unlimited Gains – Random examples of Wealth Creation with Stocks

Dear Investor, Hope you are doing good and masking up to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Today, I would like to share with you some random examples of wealth creation with Stock Investing. I have experienced them personally and believe you too can benefit from them.   #1 – Limited Losses, Unlimited Gains We have closed recommendation on 2 stocks since Feb’21. Both were initiated in 2018. Aarti Drugs – Closed with Gains of 400% Mirza International – Booked Loss…

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