promoter buying

[Latest] Stock investment idea: Promoter himself buying the stock on regular basis

When you like the prospects of any particular company and find out that promoter himself is buying the shares from the open market then it’s almost always a big positive because they are the ones running the company and know the prospects better than anyone else. And if we as investors are able to buy such stocks during periods of market correction and at prices lower than purchase price of promoters; then future returns mostly turn out to be very…

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[New] Stock Investment idea: Promoters aggressively buying shares in the company

Dear Sir, Recently we released our new Investment idea for all our premium members (Alpha/Alpha +) and would like to share with you details on the same. We like good businesses at decent valuations and if we notice promoters buying shares of their own company through open market purchases, then it becomes even more interesting and that’s precisely the case with our new recommendation. What we like about the company is that there are strong tailwinds for the sector and being one of the…

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