successful investor

5 Key Habits of a Successful Investor

Dear Investor, If you are a frequent reader, you would know that we have a checklist that we use to screen the companies that we invest in. Well, I was recently updating that checklist and suddenly had a realization. Just like we assign key attributes that a company must have in order to be considered a worthwhile investment, we could also build a checklist that could guide our investment decisions and help us become a successful investor. After working on…

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Do you have these 7 traits to be a successful Investor?

Dear Sir, I recently came across a very good talk delivered by Mark Sellers to Harvard MBA students and it’s not about how to be a successful investor; it’s rather about the few common traits the successful investors share. Before reading further, one thing that should make you happy is that you don’t necessarily have to be a CA, CFA, MBA, etc to be a successful investor. Being one of those does give you a head start in analyzing financial…

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