value unlocking

[Oct’23 Special situation] – Value unlocking through open offer and ownership change

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Yesterday we released new Special situation opportunity for our Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same. The detailed note can be accessed HERE Special situations constitute opportunities arising out of announced corporate transactions such as De-listing, Open offers, rights issue, de-merger, bankruptcy restructurings, etc. In markets, every investment opportunity comes with certain risks; however with proper research and analysis, one can always participate in opportunities with seemingly low downside and a…

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[Sep’23 Special situation]: Demerger opportunity – Expecting value unlocking

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Today we released new Special situation opportunity for our Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same. The detailed note can be accessed HERE Special situations constitute opportunities arising out of announced corporate transactions such as De-listing, Open offers, rights issue, de-merger, bankruptcy restructurings, etc. In markets, every investment opportunity comes with certain risks; however, if carefully analyzed, one can always participate in opportunities with seemingly low downside and a potential for…

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[Mar’19] Special situation opportunity: Value unlocking through separation of businesses

Dear Sir, Do you consider yourself a good investor? Well, over the years we have seen that several good investors park their surplus funds in short term opportunities like de-merger, buy-back, de-listing, merger, rights issue, etc for decent gains in a period of 3-4 months (on average). Major portion of their corpus remains invested in high quality stocks for long/medium term investment; however surplus funds get parked in Special situation opportunities for better rate of return in short term with…

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