Hello Sir,
Hope you are doing well.
In this mail, let's look at the Sea foods industry or more specifically the Shrimps Industry.
There are a few Shrimps industry based listed stocks like Avanti Feeds, APEX Frozen Foods, etc. After a lull of 2-3 years, they seem to be making a comeback.

Below, we have shared our notes about the industry. Hope you find them useful for your own investments or to add the stocks to your watch list:
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Sea food and Shrimps industry
Classification of Sea food -

- Capture - Comprises aquatic species taken from natural water bodies (Sea, lakes, ponds etc.)
- Aquaculture - Comprises species cultivated in aquaculture farms
What are Shrimps?

- Invertebrate marine animal with an elongated body belonging to largest class of crustaceans
- Rich source of iron, protein, selenium, antioxidants, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin B12
- Found in freshwater lakes and streams, and deep and shallow waters
Types of Shrimps
- White shrimp/Litopenaeus Vannamei/Penaeus Vannamei
- Pink Shrimp
- Brown Shrimp
- Rock Shrimp
- Royal Red Shrimp
- Tiger Shrimp
Difference between Shrimp and Prawn

In UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, the word “prawn” refers to both shrimp and prawns
Processes Involved in Shrimps Industry -
- Procurement of culture raw male & female shrimps
- Hatchery
- adult male & female shrimps are kept together for mating and collection of unhatched eggs
- treat the egg to convert to Nauplii and place the Nauplii in larval tanks
- Farming of young shrimps to adult shrimps
- In Farming Ponds, larvae shrimp/seeds grow to raw shrimps
- Shrimps are fed quality formulated feed
- Processing - Raw shrimps are processed and selected into different categories, such as Peeled, deveined, headon, headless
- Storing of processed shrimps in cold storage till dispatched

Business categories in the shrimps industry -
- Shrimp seed sale - sale of Shrimp Larvae/seeds
- Feed sale - shrimp feed prepared by using ingredients like, soya bean meal, wheat flour, fish meal, etc
- Sale of processed shrimps
- raw fresh
- frozen
- Value added products, like - ready to eat, ready to cook, heat and serve, etc
Global Shrimps industry -
- Global shrimp market reached a value of US$ 62.8 billion in 2021
- Market is projected to reach US$ 84.2 billion by 2027
- Consumption demand is expected to grow by 4-5%
- US is a major market for consumption of Shrimps
Indian Shrimps industry -

- It reached a value of US$ 6.5 Billion in 2021
- IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 12.7 Billion by 2027
Major Shrimp producing Indian states -

- Andhra Pradesh leads the space and accounted for 76% of total volume production in FY 21
- Vannamei accounted for 96% of the total production
Indian Shrimps export -

- India is largest exporter of shrimps in the world and China is 2nd biggest importer of seafood from India of which 46% are frozen shrimps
- India is a small player in value added products (VAP) export market and accounts for less than 1% of global trade
- China, Thailand major exporters of VAP
- Frozen shrimp exports constitute almost 74.31 % of the value of India’s total seafood exports

If you are looking for investment opportunities do check out our premium subscriptions. We have been helping our clients with our stock research for over a decade now.
Disclaimer: This is not a recommendation to buy/sell any of the stocks mentioned above. I have personal investment in Avanti Feeds.
Best Regards,
Ekansh Mittal
Research Analyst
Web: https://www.katalystwealth.
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