Ekansh Mittal

[Report]: Suven Pharma/Suven Life – Beaten down in 2017…now up 200% since then

Dear Sir, Hope you are doing well and enjoying the run up in the stocks. Well, considering the fall of Mar’20 and the gloom and doom all around, the run up has been truly exceptional with the portfolios moving up by 40% (since March lows) and some individual stocks up more than 50-100% and even more. Luckily for us as well, a lot of stocks have seen a great run up and helping us outperform benchmark indices by a wide…

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[Jun’20] – Special Situation Report – Buy out from the Promoters at much higher price

Dear Sir, Hope you are doing good and taking proper precautions. As you might be aware, besides investing in stocks of good companies for long term wealth creation, another smarter way of making money in stock markets is to participate in Special situation opportunities (SSOs).  SSOs are relatively shorter term (3-4 months) opportunities and based on value unlocking from event-based triggers like de-merger, delisting, buy-back, etc. The purpose is to park the surplus funds (normally deployed in liquid/short term debt funds)…

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