Ekansh Mittal

Personal experience from 2008-09 meltdown and the concept of frame of reference

Dear Sir, It was another hell of a week and we hope you are doing well. I am writing this to share with you a personal experience from 2008-09 meltdown and the intent of the same is to help assess the same situation from different perspectives. As you might be aware, frame of reference is an important concept in Physics and we believe it has its own significance in the world of investing. To illustrate with an example: Assume a…

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Market Outlook: What makes us believe in the certainty of recovery?

Dear Readers, The last one month or so has been one of a kind for the investors in stock market. The volatility witnessed probably surpassed what one might have experienced in 2008 or before. Within a month, the benchmark indices are down 20% and at one point of time were down 30%. How can one forget 13th Mar’20, wherein the trading was halted with markets down 10% and then not only the markets recovered all the losses but closed 4% higher…

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