
[Stock note] – Nitin Spinners…800 crore CAPEX and demand revival in cotton yarn segment

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Manufacturing cotton yarn seems like a boring business, but based on my reading of various con-calls, it seems like the sector is poised for good times ahead. I was recently looking at Nitin Spinners. The company manufactures cotton yarn and knitted and woven fabric. It recently completed 800 crore + CAPEX. In general, the management sounded positive about the prospects of cotton yarn industry with stable cotton prices and good export demand. Below, we…

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[Stock note] – Venky’s India…one of the largest Poultry breeding companies

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. If you love eating non-veg, specially Chicken and Eggs, there’s a high probability you might be aware of the brand “Venky’s”. Venky’s India is a part of the VH Group (Venkateshwara Hatcheries) and is primarily engaged in the business of production and sale of day old broiler chicks, layer chicks, chicken processing (including ready to eat products), production of SPF eggs, manufacturing of medicines and poultry feed supplements and processing of soya. Last 2-3 years…

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[Stock note] – 3B Blackbio DX…fast growing company in the Diagnostic space

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. We have always enjoyed digging up really small companies in the market cap range of Rs 200 crore to Rs 1,000 crore. Earlier, we could even recommend a Rs 100 crore market cap stock to our Premium Members; however, now it’s almost impossible considering liquidity issues. For sometime, 3B Blackbio DX, formerly Kilpest India has been under our radar because of its Diagnostic kits business – TRUPCR. This company was reporting 25-30 crore annual sales before…

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[Industry Notes] – Understanding flexible packaging films industry in detail and names of 5 listed players

Hello Sir, BOPP & BOPET are key flexible packaging films and there are many listed cos. in this space like – Nahar Polyfilms, UFlex, Cosmo First, Jindal Poly, Garware Hi Tech, etc. Currently, BO films industry is facing issues of overcapacity. While volumes are good, oversupply has suppressed selling prices and margins for all the companies. Stocks in general are down 40-60% from their highs and promoters of some of the companies like Nahar Polyfilms have been increasing stake at lower…

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