
[Report]: Century Plyboards – Leading plywood and laminates manufacturer…targeting 5000 crore by 2020

Dear Sir, Recently, in Aug’14 we shared our findings on Century Plyboards (NSE Code – CENTURYPLY) which is India’s leading plywood and laminates manufacturer. The stock was recommended to Alpha and Alpha plus members in August 2014 at around levels of 85-88 (CMP – 173). Century Plyboards – Basic details Century Plyboards is India’s leading wood-panel Company. It operates mainly in two segments: plywood and laminates. Plywood brings in ~76% of its revenues, laminates about 18%. Container Freight Stations (CFS) account for the remaining. The…

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New Alpha stock – Participate in Make in India development

Dear Sir, In mid Dec’14 we shared a detailed report (26 Pages) on a very good stock with our Alpha and Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same. We have always believed in doing few things but doing them really well. Wise leaders focus on doing a few things well and then building from there. Rather than diluting the resources in a bunch of mediocre things, they create momentum and excellence in a…

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Are you prone to bouts of irrationality when it comes to investing in stocks?

Dear Readers, Like most investors, are you prone to bouts of irrationality when it comes to investing in stocks? If yes, then read below. Charlie Munger was asked a few years ago to explain how he achieved his amazing success in the stock market. He thought for a second, and then replied simply:“I’m rational.” Implicit in Munger’s reply is that other investors are prone to bouts of irrationality. A rational investor, such as Munger, has an edge if other investors…

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Market scaling new heights: A word of caution and 3 easy steps for long term wealth creation

Dear Readers, With the markets scaling new heights, it’s easy to ignore quality businesses and fall into the traps of poor quality, low PE businesses with the assumption that such stocks too will get re-rated. Well, in the short term the stocks may get re-rated, however if the business of the company isn’t good or if the business is cyclical, then the fall in prices will be very vigorous and therefore at this point it is much more important to…

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