
Alpha stock – Niche, debt-free company with strong growth and great valuations

Dear Sir, Recently we released long/medium term investment recommendation for our Alpha and Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same. If you like to invest in niche, good quality debt free small companies growing at 20-25% + annually and still available at ~5 times earnings, then as you will realize on reading the below details, latest alpha recommendation (Name of the company – Eo****t) is one of those companies. You can get a detailed report…

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Ricoh India de-listing opportunity – Potential for 15-20% upside in next 1 month from current levels of 145

Dear Readers, In Nov’13, Ricoh India (BSE Code – 517496) came up with an unprecedented second de-listing offer and we believe there’s high probability of at least 15-20% upside over the next 1 month from the current levels of 145. The company has received all the approvals and has announced the following time-table for the de-listing offer. As can be observed from the below illustration, the entire process is likely to get over by 23rd Jun’14. Ricoh India de-listing opportunity was shared…

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Alpha/Alpha +: Best equity research at best price…increase in rates after 31st May’14

Dear Readers, This is to inform you that after 31st May’14 we will bring into effect a price increase of 10-20% on our Alpha/Alpha + and Model portfolio services. We thought it is important to share the details of increase in subscription cost with you, especially if your focus is on long term wealth creation through investment in stocks of high quality companies and if you liked our detailed Investment and Special Situation opportunities shared with you over a period of time. Alpha (6 Months) –…

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Apr’14 stock – Leading Industrial company, strong growth outlook and good valuations

Dear Sir, For Apr’14 we have released long/medium term investment recommendation for our Alpha and Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same especially if you like to invest in high quality leading companies run by good management. We believe some high quality stocks (from diverse segments) that can grow at 20-25% on annualized basis should be part of one’s long term core portfolio and as you will realize on reading the below details, this (Name of the company –…

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