
Today (31st Mar’24): Release of New Stock Recommendation

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Today, we will release our new stock recommendation for our Alpha and Alpha + Members and would like to share with you details on the same. It’s a leading company indirectly related to Real estate segment. Based on our analysis, the stock looks very interesting for the next 3-4 years due to the following reasons: Recent change in management Structural changes in organization leading to creation of focused verticals Strong growth outlook of 15-20% annualized over the…

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Kaveri Seed company: Interesting shareholding pattern

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. For quite sometime, I have been looking at shareholding pattern of several companies. It has been my observation that when Promoters starts buying from the market, one should definitely check out the company in greater detail as there could be a potential investment opportunity. Another observation has been, that when there’s a dip in the number of shareholders of the company, especially in a stock which has been in a downtrend or has gone nowhere for some time,…

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[Stock notes] – NCL Industries…trading around 40-45% of replacement cost

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. We scan through 100s of stocks in a year and analyze several of them to come up with few good stocks recommendations for our Alpha/Alpha + members. Our focus is medium-long term wealth creation and the idea is to try identify opportunities with long runway for 20-25% CAGR possibility. Recently, I was looking at NCL Industries. What caught my eye is that the promoters have been regularly buying the stock from the open market in the price…

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[Stock notes] – Hester Biosciences…one of the largest poultry vaccine makers

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. We scan through 100s of stocks in a year and analyze several of them to come up with few good stocks recommendations for our Alpha/Alpha + members. Recently, I was looking at Hester Biosciences which is one of the largest poultry vaccine makers in India. What caught my eye is that the stock is down more than 50% from its peak and is trading around the lower range of its last 10 years Price to Book valuations. Another…

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