
Special Situation: Hexaware Technologies Delisting…Closed with 24% + gain

Dear Readers, We keep saying that besides long-term investment, one should also look at Special situation opportunities like delistings, buybacks, demergers, etc because in a lot of such cases the correlation with the markets is much lower and therefore such opportunities add stability to the portfolio and deliver additional gains. In line with the same philosophy, we would like to share with you details on Hexaware Technologies Delisting opportunity. We shared the same with Alpha + members. Hexaware Technologies delisting opportunity was shared with…

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[Stock Idea] Chaman Lal Setia – Can it again multiply Investor’s wealth?

Dear Sir, Hope you are doing well. With this mail, we would like to share with you an interesting stock idea: Chaman Lal Setia Exports (BSE: 530307). While the name of the company may not be very inspiring, they are actually doing very good business in the Basmati rice exports segment. Despite the pandemic and the lockdown, for Q1 the company has reported ~18% growth in sales and more than 200% growth in profits on YOY basis. For us as…

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Aarti Drugs – 500% + Return in the last few months…Is it time to be Cautious?

Dear Sir, Hope you are doing well. It’s always to great to have stocks that end up multiplying your wealth several times; however, during one’s holding of such stocks there also comes a time when one needs to get cautious and have some profit protection strategy in place. Here, we are talking about Aarti Drugs. The stock has been a great wealth creator for our Premium Members as we could identify the stock at levels of 550 in Sep’18 and since…

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[Report]: Delisting Opportunity – Low Downside and Expecting Promoters to buy out at much higher price

Dear Sir, Hope you are doing good and taking proper precautions. As you might be aware, besides investing in stocks of good companies for long term wealth creation, another smarter way of making money in stock markets is to participate in Special situation opportunities (SSOs). Have also benefited from this strategy with several Special Situation opportunities like Ineos Styrosolution delisting, Suven life-Suven Pharma demerger, Linde India delisting, Hexaware delisting, etc appreciating by 20-140% in a period of 2-11 months. SSOs are relatively shorter term (3-4 months) opportunities and…

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