
Do you have these 7 traits to be a successful Investor?

Dear Sir, I recently came across a very good talk delivered by Mark Sellers to Harvard MBA students and it’s not about how to be a successful investor; it’s rather about the few common traits the successful investors share. Before reading further, one thing that should make you happy is that you don’t necessarily have to be a CA, CFA, MBA, etc to be a successful investor. Being one of those does give you a head start in analyzing financial…

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Manappuram Finance – Stock idea at 20-20 TIA 2018

Dear Sir, We presented a stock idea at the recently concluded 20-20 Ideas summit of TIA. Our presentation was on Manappuram Finance Ltd (NSE Code – MANAPPURAM). The same can be accessed below.   Manappuram Finance: Ekansh Mittal – TIA Presentation 2018 from Katalyst Wealth   Disclosure: I have personal investment in Manappuram Finance and the stock has been recommended to clients as well.   Best Regards, Ekansh Mittal Research Analyst Ph.: +91-727-5050062, Mob: +91-9818866676 Email: [email protected]   Research Analyst Details Name: Ekansh Mittal   …

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Bad markets…What should be investor’s strategy?

Dear Sir, It’s often said you don’t get good markets and good buying opportunity at the same time. Remember 2009, 2011-2013, all these were bad years for the market, but great years for stock picking. We believe the same will hold true for 2018-19 as well. Stocks have seen decent correction in the last 7-8 months. Previously only the small and mid caps were taking the beating; it’s good that even large caps have started correcting now. Small cap index…

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How not to panic during sharp market corrections?

Dear Sir, Considering the ferocity of market fall, especially small and mid cap stocks; it’s easy for investors to panic; however you can combat the same and befriend volatility by considering the following points: It’s the very nature of the markets to rise and fall. There have been such falls in the past and will happen in the future as well and every time the markets have recovered and gone on to record new highs. The market correction of 2008…

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