
Do you know there are sectors trading at NIFTY equivalent of 5000…Good time to hunt?

Dear Sir, Hope you are doing well and staying safe. Recently, we came across an important piece of data on the bounce back in under-performing or beaten down sectors and we believe it can be really helpful for you as an investor. We all like to buy stocks/sectors that have done well recently; however, as value investors it’s important to not get trapped at high valuations because the draw-downs can be huge and the wait for getting even the principal…

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[Report] – More than 15% dividend yield for a leading Cash rich company

Dear Sir, Hope you are doing good and taking proper precautions as the lock-down is gradually being lifted. As discussed in our Risk categorization of portfolio stocks update, we are increasingly focusing on leading debt free companies which will probably emerge stronger from this pandemic and capture higher market share in the years to come. Also, if such companies come with dividend yield as good as 15%, one can only blame himself for not buying such stocks during periods of distress.…

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Risk Categorization of Portfolio Stocks in the light of Covid 19 led crisis

Dear Readers, Hope you all are doing well and taking proper precautions. In the light of the Covid-19 led crisis, today we are going to discuss Risk Categorization of the stocks. We believe it’s an important exercise that every investor should carry out on his/her portfolio stocks to determine the pockets where the risks could originate from. We did so recently and have shared the details below. We think it should be quite obvious that for most of the companies…

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Summary of share purchases by the Promoters in Mar’20

Dear Readers, Hope you are doing well. As you might be aware the last 2 years or so have been tough on the small and mid cap companies with several of them down 50% or more. Things had started getting better from Sep’19 before we all got hit by the outbreak of corona virus. In the last 1 month alone several stocks have fallen off the cliff and this time even the large caps haven’t been spared. So, when the…

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