google trend

Market close to all time high…Is it time for correction?

Markets are at an all-time high and all the indices, be it small cap, mid cap, etc. all are doing well. Since 4th Jun’24 correction, it’s been a smooth sailing. As is often the case, whenever the markets have corrected sharply or have done well, the general question that comes to mind is…what next? Instead of trying to predict what the markets will do next, we prefer looking at market sentiment. And the tool we use is basic google trends…

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Market at all time high…Is it time for correction?

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Markets are at an all-time high and all the indices, be it small cap, mid cap, etc. all are doing well. Jun’24 has proven to be an extremely good month for equity investors in general. Except for the major correction on 4th Jun’24, it’s been a smooth sailing. As is often the case, whenever the markets have corrected sharply or have done well, the general question that comes to mind is…what next? Instead…

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Market at all time high…how is the market sentiment now?

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Markets are at an all-time high and all the indices, be it small cap, mid cap, etc. all are doing well. A lot of investors have been sitting on the side-lines waiting for the correction. As is often the case, whenever the markets have corrected sharply or have done well, the general question that comes to mind is…what next? Instead of trying to predict what the markets will do next, we prefer looking…

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Good news for medium-long term investors…less competition in market

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.Here’s some good news for medium-long term investors that I read this morning.’Individual investor participation in shares dropped to 34 months low in Jan’23.Daily cash market average volumes of non-institutional investors (Retail and HNI investors) were at 22,829 crore in Jan’23. This is the lowest since Mar’20 and 61% below peak of 58,409 crore in Feb’21’Source: Economic Times How is this good news for medium-long term investors?If you have been investing for 8-10 years or more,…

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