market share

[New Stock Reco]: Pharma Company, net debt free and around 11-12 times earnings

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.On 30th Sep’22, we released our new stock recommendation for our Premium Members and would like to share with you details on the same.How often do you get a Globally leading Pharma company, net debt free and at around 11-12 times FY 23 (E) earnings.Not very often, right?Well, if you put in several hours of stock research on daily basis and wait for the right moment, you do get a good investment opportunity every now and then.The…

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[Report] Stock Idea – 0 to 20% + market share in 20 years…Stock at 11-12 PE

  Dear Sir, Hope you are doing good and taking proper precautions. As discussed in our Risk categorization update, we are increasingly focusing on leading well-managed companies which will probably emerge stronger from this pandemic and capture higher market share in the years to come. Have also benefited from this strategy with good returns in bad markets – details HERE Also, if such companies come debt free and with low valuations, one can only blame himself for not buying such stocks during…

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