mid cap

[New Stock Report]: 1000 cr market cap, growth oriented with good promoter pedigree

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Yesterday, we released our new stock recommendation for our Alpha and Alpha + Members and would like to share with you details on the same. We focus on growth oriented small-mid cap companies that are trading at reasonable valuations and invest with a horizon of 3-4 years. The one shared yesterday fits our framework as despite being a 1000 crore market cap stock, it’s one of the largest players in its segment, has great operating…

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We largely invest in Small and Mid Cap Stocks…and have our reasons for the same !!

Dear Investor,Let me share with you an interesting snippet from the book ‘One up on Wall Street’ by the legendary investor Peter Lynch.He says that during his time in the market he noticed that fund managers usually refrained from investing in unknown stocks. The key reason he identified for this was that when a fund manager wanted to invest in a computer business and he/she chose a name unheard of and the stock did not work well, then the entire…

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[2011-2020]: Check out all the Stocks we recommended and how they performed

Dear Investor, Please find below Performance Snapshot of Stocks Recommended to our Premium members. We started offering equity research services in 2011 and have completed 1 full bull-bear cycle of the markets. From 2011-13 the markets were down in the dumps, then we had a great 2014-17, then a really bad 2018 till mid 2020 and now again the markets are doing well. A full cycle is long enough and encapsulates both the good and the bad and therefore we believe the best way to…

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Do you know there are sectors trading at NIFTY equivalent of 5000…Good time to hunt?

Dear Sir, Hope you are doing well and staying safe. Recently, we came across an important piece of data on the bounce back in under-performing or beaten down sectors and we believe it can be really helpful for you as an investor. We all like to buy stocks/sectors that have done well recently; however, as value investors it’s important to not get trapped at high valuations because the draw-downs can be huge and the wait for getting even the principal…

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