Hello Sir,
Hope you are doing well.
Did you know? Basmati is unique to the region and is legally protected as a trade name. “Basmati” is protected under “The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act, 1999” of India, which prevents any rice grown outside of the Indo Gangetic area from being called Basmati.

KRBL is one of the leading processors and exporters of Basmati rice and it also has a strong presence in India through its brand 'India Gate'.
Basmati rice industry has witnessed the downfall of several listed players and only a few companies have been performing well.
To understand more about the industry, we went through the con-call of KRBL and have shared the details below from the Q2 FY 23 con-call transcript of the company:
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KRBL - Notes from Q2 FY 23 con-call transcript
- Basmati rice industry data
- The Basmati penetration in India is at 42%, the packaged penetration hovers around 20
- Whether it is domestic or exports, basmati consumption increasing year over year by 6%-7% in a normal way
- Domestic can grow much bigger because the consumption of basmati rice is just 3% as compared to non-basmati rice. We consume around 95 million tonnes of non-basmati rice, whereas basmati rice is just 2.5 million tonnes
- Saudi Arabia used to import only 700,000 tonnes. In the last 2-3 years, they have gone up to 1 million tonnes plus
- Iran is always a big buyer. Iran can import from India around 1.6-1.7 million tonnes also. Their own production is depleting day by day
- Iraq used to produce a lot of rice in their country. Day by day, their own production is coming down and they are becoming more dependent on basmati rice
- America used to be a market of 60,000, 70,000 tonnes. In 6 months only, they have imported 100,000 tonnes
- The only drawback today or the setback to Indian Basmati is the European countries. With the new type of seeds and the new type of experiment which the scientists have done, we will be able to cater to the market of European Union, which would be a pesticide free rice
- European Market for Indian basmati rice, 400,000 tonnes. 98% of this volume is in the shape of brown rice because there is no duty on brown rice. White rice has a duty of EUR 160 tonne, EUR 170 per tonne
- When compared with the production of Kharif season 2022, which was 112 million metric tons, the production this year is lower by 6% at 105 million metric tons, out of which basmati is around 7.5 million metric tons
- In the last 10 years, India's rice production has grown at a CAGR of 2.4% per annum, whereas India's rice consumption has grown at a CAGR of 0.9% per annum
- Last year, India exported around 21.21 million tonnes of rice, out of which Basmati exports were 3.95 million tonnes
- This year, in the first half, India has exported around 2.6 million tonnes of basmati rice as compared to 1.95 million tonnes exported during the same period last year. Exports have grown by almost 46% in value terms, amounting to Rs 17,896 crores as compared to Rs 12,295 crores in H1 FY 22
- India exported around 60% of the total basmati rice to 4 countries such as Iran, 600,000 tonnes; Saudi, 407,000 tonnes; Iraq, 130,000 tonnes, UAE, 175,000 tonnes, confirming that majority of basmati export is to Middle East, including Persian Gulf
- Current basmati scenario, the crop was expected to be higher by around 15%-16% over last year. With the delayed monsoon in the month of October, basmati crops got slightly damaged. The overall crop, now after mapping and cross-field surveys, should be either higher by 5%-7% or maybe equal to last year
- The prices of new paddy crop have opened up slightly higher than expected levels. But still, we feel that looking at the prevailing price during April, August 2022, the current crop prices are still lower by 12% to 15%, depending upon the varieties
- If we look at the opening price of last year, we are higher by 10%-15%. That is my cost of paddy this year compared to last year would be higher by 15%-20%
- There were rumors that basmati prices will take a jump due to floods reported in Sindh area of Pakistan. No doubt the basmati and non-basmati crop in field area got badly damaged to the tune of 70%, but the production of basmati rice in Sindh area is very minimal compared to Punjab region of Pakistan, which is witnessing a good harvest
- Irritants in exports were the ocean freight rates and the availability of containers, both the issues have been resolved. The freight rates have come down to 1/3rd, and they will further come down by another 10%-15% compared with their peak about 9 to 12 months back
- The freight rates for USA and Australia have not come down compared with other destinations which are also expected to reduce in the coming months
- KRBL is going to have enormous advantage with the imposition of GST on unbranded prepackaged rice. This has brought parity between private label and established brands
Disclaimer: This is not a recommendation to buy/sell KRBL. These notes are as announced by the companies on exchanges and only for the purpose of information and education.
Best Regards,
Ekansh Mittal
Research Analyst
Web: https://www.katalystwealth.
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