Ekansh Mittal

Letter on Model Portfolio performance, Markets, Position sizing and other details

Dear Sir, I hope you are doing well. It’s been more than a year since we started model portfolio service on 15th Aug’18 and I thought of sharing views on performance, markets and other details. In the last 13 months our Alpha Model Portfolio has delivered negative return of 12.60%. In the above performance we haven’t accounted for interest accrued on surplus cash; however, the same would have improved our performance by ~1.5-2%. For the same period Mid cap index is…

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Never waste a good Slowdown and a Bear market

      Dear Sir, What is being said in this video by the management of Metro Shoes is so important for both the entrepreneurs and the investors As rightly said, “Never waste a good slowdown” and to add to it “a bear market” Important lessons for the investors: It’s important to be optimistic…talking too much negative adds to the negativity Slowdowns (bear market) keep happening…they are cyclical By being alert, positive and focusing on improvements, you can emerge stronger…

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[Latest]: Special situation opportunity: Buy-out from the promoters…expecting very good price

Dear Sir, When markets go through a tumultuous period, it’s important to have some stocks whose movements are not so much correlated to the overall movement of the market and sometimes we find such stocks in Special situation opportunities (SSOs). SSOs constitute opportunities arising out of corporate actions like de-merger, buy-back, de-listing, merger, rights issue, etc. The purpose of SSOs is to park the surplus funds (normally deployed in liquid/short term debt funds) at much better rate of return with seemingly…

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Annual Results: Reading between the lines

Dear Sir, Year ending and half yearly results communicate way more information than 1st and 3rd quarter results. This is so because companies share their balance sheets and there’s so much more to interpret from balance sheets and annual reports. Off-late, we have been reading Annual Reports of several small capital goods companies and have noticed some interesting points from the balance sheets: Source: Katalyst Wealth Research  Good jump in inventory at the end of Mar’19 despite strong sales in…

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