Ekansh Mittal

Markets have always been cyclical…chose your end wisely

Since ages markets have been volatile and have exhibited cyclicality. Most investors end up on the wrong side of the cycle and thereby lose out on the opportunity of wealth creation and even end up losing principal. Below, we have produced a set of numbers which clearly reflects that you can do well in the stock market if you invest during cyclical downturns. Source: moneycontrol.com What does the above indicate? In the above illustration we have taken values of BSE…

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Look for these warning signs in the stocks of companies you are invested in

Off-late a lot of skeletons are falling out of the closet. In the last few months, we have had stocks of several high growth companies falling off the cliff with investors not getting an opportunity to exit. With the use of technology, while it has become easy to spot companies with high growth and other parameters, it has become all the more important to find how the growth is being funded and whether the reported growth is real or fake.…

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Outlook Business Apr’19 issue

Source: Outlook Business Apr’19   Disclosure: I have personal investment in Greenply Industries and the stock has been recommended to our Premium Members as well.   Best Regards, Ekansh Mittal Research Analyst https://www.katalystwealth.com/ Ph.: +91-727-5050062, Mob: +91-9818866676 Email: [email protected]    Research Analyst Details Name: Ekansh Mittal     Email Id: [email protected]    Ph: +91 727 5050062 Analyst ownership of the stock: Yes Details of Associates: Not Applicable Analyst Certification: The Analyst certify (ies) that the views expressed herein accurately reflect his (their) personal view(s)…

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[Mar’19] Stock investment report – Fast growing high quality business at low valuations

Bad markets provide some of the best investment opportunities and most of the smart investors look at it optimistically. The logic is very basic: It’s easier to find good businesses at reasonable or very low valuations during such periods and during the ensuing bull run one gets the benefit of both earnings and PE rerating. While bad markets don’t promise immediate returns, our experience suggests that investments made during downturns deliver the best returns in 3-4 years. Luckily, these days…

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