Ekansh Mittal

Is it time to have a re-look at housing finance companies

Dear Sir, Over the last few months the stock prices of Housing Finance companies (HFCs) have corrected a lot with some of the stocks down more than 40-60%. Even one of our recommendations Can Fin Homes (NSE: CANFINHOME) is down more than 50%; however the beauty of investing in stocks is that despite the stock being down more than 50% from its all time high, it is still up ~800% in 5 years from our recommendation price of Rs 31.…

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Do you have these 7 traits to be a successful Investor?

Dear Sir, I recently came across a very good talk delivered by Mark Sellers to Harvard MBA students and it’s not about how to be a successful investor; it’s rather about the few common traits the successful investors share. Before reading further, one thing that should make you happy is that you don’t necessarily have to be a CA, CFA, MBA, etc to be a successful investor. Being one of those does give you a head start in analyzing financial…

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Manappuram Finance – Stock idea at 20-20 TIA 2018

Dear Sir, We presented a stock idea at the recently concluded 20-20 Ideas summit of TIA. Our presentation was on Manappuram Finance Ltd (NSE Code – MANAPPURAM). The same can be accessed below.   Manappuram Finance: Ekansh Mittal – TIA Presentation 2018 from Katalyst Wealth   Disclosure: I have personal investment in Manappuram Finance and the stock has been recommended to clients as well.   Best Regards, Ekansh Mittal Research Analyst https://www.katalystwealth.com/ Ph.: +91-727-5050062, Mob: +91-9818866676 Email: [email protected]   Research Analyst Details Name: Ekansh Mittal   …

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Bad markets…What should be investor’s strategy?

Dear Sir, It’s often said you don’t get good markets and good buying opportunity at the same time. Remember 2009, 2011-2013, all these were bad years for the market, but great years for stock picking. We believe the same will hold true for 2018-19 as well. Stocks have seen decent correction in the last 7-8 months. Previously only the small and mid caps were taking the beating; it’s good that even large caps have started correcting now. Small cap index…

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