Ekansh Mittal

Chaman Lal Setia Exports (BSE – 530307) – Nov’16 Alpha/Alpha Plus stock

Dear Members, We have released 27th Nov’16: Chaman Lal Setia Exports Ltd (BSE Code – 530307) – Alpha/Alpha Plus stock for Nov’16. For details and other updates, please log into the website at the following link – https://katalystwealth.com/index.php/my-account/ Detailed pdf report on the company can be accessed at the following link – Chaman Lal Setia Exports (BSE Code – 530307) – Nov16 Katalyst Wealth Alpha Report Note: For any queries, mail us at [email protected] Date: 27th Nov’16 CMP – 59.95 (BSE) Rating – Positive – 3% weightage; this…

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New and Improved website with better features

Dear Sir, We are glad to inform you that we have upgraded our website and believe our premium members will now find it convenient to search through reports and updates on stocks. Further, the website is now mobile optimized and therefore it will be slightly easier for you to surf the website on your mobile. It’s much easier now to check and analyze the detailed performance snapshots of Investmentreports and Special situation opportunities. You can arrange rows according to stock returns,…

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[Latest] Investment stock – Well managed Asset finance company at big valuation gap

Dear Sir, Recently we released our new Investment Stock pick for this month for all our premium members and would like to share with you details on the same. Our latest pick is basically an Asset finance company that has been performing reasonably well over the years. The company still has a small share in the overall market; though since the last few years it has attained aggressiveness and has been growing at around 20% + with growth accelerating in the last 2…

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Credit cycle and where does India stand?

It’s a well known fact that markets are cyclical and similarly there’s cyclicality in credit markets as well and I believe there’s some correlation in the two. Recently read a very good description of credit cycle in “The most important thing illuminated” by Howard Marks and tried applying the same to the Indian markets. Before discussing further, let’s first look at the credit cycle itself: Good times: During good times the economy moves into a period of prosperity. Providers of…

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