Ekansh Mittal

[Latest Report] Alpha stock – Leading player, strong entry barriers and very good growth prospects

Dear Readers, 2 days back we released a detailed report (24 pages) on a very good stock for investment for our Alpha and Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same. If you are a smart investor and like to invest in leading companies in their respective industries, businesses with strong entry barriers and very good long term growth prospects, then as you will realize on reading the below details, our latest stock recommendation (Name of the company – P*******s)…

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[Report]: Acrysil Ltd – Emerging company in the kitchen

Dear Readers, In the kitchen ware industry, we have had several success stories like TTK Prestige, Hawkins, Lao Pala, etc, however there’s another emerging company Acrysil (BSE Code – 524091) which is creating a niche space for itself by focusing on premium segment of the market and offers quartz/granite sinks, faucets and appliances like hobs, chimneys, built-in ovens, dish washers, etc in association with German company Berbel. The stock was recommended to Alpha and Alpha + members around levels of…

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Cera Sanitaryware – Still good for long term wealth creation?

Dear Readers, In the last 3-4 years the stock of Cera Sanitaryware has appreciated considerably from 150 odd levels to current levels of 1,250. That’s a great return by any standards and we are lucky to have identified the stock in Jan 2011 at around 160-170 levels and recommended it to our members. Now, the question is, can the stock still deliver good returns from current levels? Well, it may not deliver 650% returns in the next 3 years like…

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[Report] Alpha stock – Strong moat, scalable business, high ROE and good cash flows

Dear Readers, It’s not very often one gets a company with strong business moats, scalable business model, low capital intensity, consistently high return on equity, very good cash flows and growing at 30% + annually, and if you are able to identify one, it would be insane to miss out on the buying opportunity because such companies go on to deliver huge returns by steadily compounding your wealth. In the image below check how much your one time investment grows if…

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