Ekansh Mittal

Bajaj Corp: Acquisition of NOMARKS skin care brand – Details and impact of the acquisition

Dear Readers, After a long wait, Bajaj Corp has finally made its first acquisition and based on the available details, it does seem like a good strategic fit. Disclaimer: We ourselves and our members are invested in the stocks discussed below. Also, please do not construe the below note as buy/sell advice and do carry out your own due diligence before buying/selling the stocks. Few important points about the brand: As per the details shared by Nielsen, NOMARKS is the second…

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How to protect yourself from investing in bad/manipulative companies?

Dear Readers, I am sure you would not like to find yourself invested in stocks like Opto Circuits, Kingfisher Airlines, Bilcare, Arshiya International, Zylog Systems, Educomp Solutions, Gitanjali Gems, etc which were once the favorite of market and are now down 70%-90% from their recent highs. The two basic ingredients to making money in stock markets is to first chose right companies for your portfolio and second to avoid manipulative companies. More money has been lost in stock market by investing in bad companies than…

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There’s complete panic in the stock market…what to do now?

Dear Sir, In all the gloom and doom surrounding us, the only good news is that most of the investors in stock market have hit the panic button. Investors are so scared and restless that they are exiting the stocks without any regards for fundamentals of the company, valuations, dividend yield on offer, etc. If one looks at the screen, it would appear as if 90% of the listed companies in India will be out of business and there’s no future for…

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Backlash stirs in US against foreign visas

Kelly Parker was thrilled when she landed her dream job in 2012 providing tech support for Harley-Davidson’s Tomahawk, Wisconsin, plants. The divorced mother of three hoped it was the beginning of a new career with the motorcycle company. The dream didn’t last long. Parker claims she was laid off one year later after she trained her replacement, a newly arrived worker from India. Now she has joined a federal lawsuit alleging the global staffing firm that ran Harley-Davidson’s tech support. The firm,…

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