Ekansh Mittal

When it’s about markets, do you think you can outsmart

Dear Readers, Countless studies have been done on investor psychology, yet mystery remains. A field known as behavioral finance has evolved over the time to offer better understanding of how emotions and cognitive errors influence investors and decision making. The most intriguing behavior that still eludes behavioral finance experts is the one that comes in plenty at times of market tops and bottoms. In big bull markets, investors remain blind to risks, while they remain double-blind to opportunities in market…

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UTV Software communications (Arbitrage opportunity) – D

Dear Readers, On behalf of the entire team of Katalyst Wealth, wish you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Walt Disney Software Communications will launch an offer for delisting shares of UTV Software Communications from Indian bourses on 16th January 2012 The offer will open on 16th Jan’12 and will close on 20th Jan’12. Important Note: We will book complete profit in case the stock reaches Rs 1050 in the regular trade by 16th Jan’12, while if it does…

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Katalyst Wealth – Alpha/Alpha Plus recommendation for D

Dear Alpha/Alpha Plus members, We would like to share with you an interesting investment opportunity for the Alpha stock recommendation for the month of Dec’11. Note: Read the entire report and be sure of business model, prospects and concerns. We have suggested a two phase buying strategy, accounting for the market volatility. Please stick to the same. We have also stated earnings estimate for FY 2015 (E), however we will be more than glad if the company outperforms our estimates…

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