Ekansh Mittal

[Stock idea] – Pokarna…largest Quartz exporter from India

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.You might be aware of Granite counter tops, but not sure if you are aware of Quartz surfaces. Well, Quartz surfaces are an engineered product and can be made to have any kind of design, including Natural Granite designs. Recently, we were looking at Pokarna as the stock is down around 40% from its peak price of 800 in Jan’22. While the stock may/may not have bottomed out, we are intensifying our research so as to make the most…

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[New Stock Reco]: Pharma Company, net debt free and around 11-12 times earnings

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.On 30th Sep’22, we released our new stock recommendation for our Premium Members and would like to share with you details on the same.How often do you get a Globally leading Pharma company, net debt free and at around 11-12 times FY 23 (E) earnings.Not very often, right?Well, if you put in several hours of stock research on daily basis and wait for the right moment, you do get a good investment opportunity every now and then.The…

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[Portfolio stock]: Dollar Industries…leading inner wear company

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.When one thinks of inner wear stocks, mostly “Page Industries” is what investors recall.However, there are 5-6 more companies listed on the exchanges from the inner wear segment.One of the stocks we have recommended to our members is Dollar Industries (NSE: Dollar). You may remember the brand from the “Fit Hai Boss” campaign of the company featuring Mr. Akshay Kumar.The detailed report on Dollar Industries can be read at the following link (free access, no login required)…

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[Stock Idea] – Venky’s India…one of the largest Poultry breeding companies

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.If you love eating non-veg, specially Chicken and Eggs, there’s a high probability you might be aware of the brand “Venky’s”.Venky’s India is a part of the VH Group (Venkateshwara Hatcheries) and is primarily engaged in the business of production and sale of day old broiler chicks, layer chicks, chicken processing (including ready to eat products), production of SPF eggs, manufacturing of medicines and poultry feed supplements and processing of soya.Last few quarters have been really bad…

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