Ekansh Mittal

[Stock Idea]: Som Distilleries and Breweries

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.If you enjoy your beer, you might be interested in reading about Som Distilleries which commands the highest market share in the Beer segment in the state of Madhya Pradesh.The company also has presence in the states of Karnataka and Orissa. [New Stock recommendation] – How often does one get a High growth stock, Market leader with almost 50% market share, Minimal debt at Cheap valuations?Not often, right? We think we have found one and recommended recently…

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[New stock reco]: Market leader, 50% market share at 10 times earnings

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.Yesterday, we released our new stock recommendation for our Premium Members and would like to share with you details on the same.How often does one get a High growth stock, Market leader with almost 50% market share, Minimal debt at Cheap valuations?Not very often, right?Well, if you put in several hours of stock research on daily basis and wait for the right moment, you do get a good investment opportunity every now and then.The stock we recommended…

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Medical tourism…good for Hospital stocks in India

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.There are several hospital stocks listed in India, like – Kovai Medical, Apollo Hospitals, Narayana Hrudayalaya and a few more.Our team recently looked at some data with respect to Medical Tourism and would like to share with you details on the same.Before Covid-19 struck, Medical tourism was growing at a fast pace with India being a key beneficiary of the same. Now that things are back to normal, people are raring to travel, medical tourism…

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Latest special situation opportunity

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.On Monday, we released our latest Special situation opportunity for our Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same.As you might be aware, special situations constitute opportunities arising out of announced corporate transactions such as De-listing, Open offers, rights issue, de-merger, bankruptcy restructurings, etcIn markets, nothing is risk free; however, if carefully analyzed, one can always participate in opportunities with low downside and a potential for good upside.At the same time, the holding…

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