
Is there a right age to start investing?…some eye popping numbers

Hello Sir,Today, let me talk about the most important habit that everyone should build as early as possible in life.  It is the habit of Saving and Investing!!I was lucky enough to start earning small sums of money at the age of 21 and started investing in stocks as I had some exposure to stock market due to my family background.Recently, I came across an illustration by L&T Financial services mutual fund and the numbers were quite astonishing to say the least.…

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[New Stock Report]: Sub 500 crore market cap, deleveraging and ~6 times post-tax earnings

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.Yesterday, we released our new stock recommendation for our Alpha and Alpha + Members and would like to share with you details on the same.We focus on growth oriented small-mid cap companies that are trading at reasonable valuations and invest with a horizon of 3-4 years.The one shared yesterday fits our framework as despite being a sub 500 crore market cap stock, it’s one of the largest players in its segment, has good operating performance track record,…

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1 chart that best explains Stock Market returns

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.It’s quite common for people in general to talk about good returns delivered by real estate or gold held by them or their forefathers.What’s mostly forgotten during the discussion is the holding period of the investment and the returns in terms of CAGR.Almost always, the holding period is 5-10-20 years or more.Now, look at this below chart of NIFTY which depicts annualized returns from 1995-2023.What’s interesting about the chart is that it gives annualized returns data over 1, 3, 5 and…

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[Portfolio stock]: Chaman Lal Setia…one of the largest Basmati rice exporter

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.It’s said that investments in good companies tend to be rewarding. There’s no better example of the same for us than Chaman Lal Setia Exports (NSE: CLSEL).We have recommended Chaman Lal Setia to our Alpha and Alpha + Members twice (2016, 2019) in the past and closed with 150% gains the first time and 187% gains the second time.A few months back, in Nov’22 we recommended Chaman Lal Setia to our members for the 3rd time at around 113 odd levels.Luckily, the stock has done well…

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