
[Portfolio stock]: Kanpur Plastipack – Capacity expansion driving earnings growth

Dear Sir, A few days back we shared our screening filters for identifying stocks going through a phase of capacity expansion.   Today, let me share with you a stock idea that we recommended to our Premium members and still holding.   The stock idea was Kanpur Plastipack (NSE – KANPRPLA). The detailed report on Kanpur Plastipack can be read at the following link (free access, no login required) – LINK   We shared the report on 24th Nov’18 when the stock was trading around 76-77 odd levels (adjusted for 1:2 bonus). With capacity…

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[Portfolio Stock]: Shree Pushkar Chemicals – Earnings to increase substantially

Dear Investor, Our investment philosophy is to look for low-risk opportunities with significant upside. The idea is to look for companies where there’s not much market euphoria, while something interesting is happening underneath and therefore the downside is low while the long-medium term potential is immense. Well, it so happened that in Jan’21 we came across a chemical company dealing in dye intermediates and dye stuffs which hadn’t caught the market attention because the demand for dyes had still not…

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[Portfolio Stock] – FIEM Industries – Sole supplier of various lamps to Ola Electric

Dear Investor, We don’t like losing money and that’s why we are very fond of low-risk opportunities. Yes, the ones where there’s not much market euphoria and therefore the downside is low while the long-medium term potential is immense. Well, it so happened that during the 2019 downturn of the auto industry, we identified an auto-ancillary stock that was available at only 8.5 times earnings and the promoters themselves were buying the stock. The stock was: FIEM Industries (NSE: FIEMIND)…

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