
[2011-2020]: Check out all the Stocks we recommended and how they performed

Dear Investor, Please find below Performance Snapshot of Stocks Recommended to our Premium members. We started offering equity research services in 2011 and have completed 1 full bull-bear cycle of the markets. From 2011-13 the markets were down in the dumps, then we had a great 2014-17, then a really bad 2018 till mid 2020 and now again the markets are doing well. A full cycle is long enough and encapsulates both the good and the bad and therefore we believe the best way to…

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A Simple Guide to achieve 10-20 baggers on Stocks

Dear Investor, I think it wouldn’t be wrong to say that almost all the stock market investors want their stocks to go up 5x, 10x, 20x or even more. But, it’s neither easy, nor most of us know what it takes to achieve such out-sized returns. We have all heard stories of how a certain stock went up 50-100x for great investors like: Mr. Jhunjhunwala, Mr. Vijay Kedia, Mr. Ashish Kacholia, etc. However, most of the time such stories don’t…

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Fineotex Chemical Ltd – Notes from Annual Report 2020, Presentation and Management Interview

Dear Sir, We read several annual reports in a year and make notes for our reference. Going forward, we will be positing such notes for the benefit of the readers of our website. We believe Annual Reports are one of the best documents to increase your understanding of the company and you can learn more about how to use them at the following LINK However, do keep in mind, such notes are mostly cut, copy and paste from the annual reports…

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Aarti – 5x in 2.5 years…Coverage closure update

Dear Sir, In Sep’18 we initiated coverage on Aarti, leading API manufacturer, for our Premium Members. You can read the detailed initiation report on the company at the following LINK Recently, on 5th Feb’21, we finally closed the coverage on the stock and booked complete profit in our Model Sheets as well. The company has been a great wealth creator for us and our members. We first initiated coverage on the same in Feb’14 around 27-28 odd levels (adjusted for…

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