
[New] Stock Report – Less than 7 times earnings for a Company performing so well

Dear Sir, We seem to be going through interesting times in market. Barring some 10 stocks, the entire market is down. The demand has definitely slowed down; however, there are a lot of positives to cheer about: lower corporate tax rates (25%), lower crude prices (Brent crude around 60$), water reservoirs across the country holding 21% more water than 10-year average, etc. While it’s difficult to predict as to when the demand will pick up…however, the Govt. seems to be…

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Impact of Corporate tax rate cut on companies under coverage

Dear Readers, Hope you are doing well. I think you may already be aware that Govt. has slashed effective corporate tax rate to 25.17% for domestic companies from around 34.9% earlier. Previously, the Govt. had reduced effective tax rates on companies with turnover up to Rs 400 crore to 29.12%; however, even those will now be taxed at 25.17% Seemingly, it looks like a great move and will make the Indian companies more competitive with tax rates now comparable with…

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Some often asked queries by members

Dear Sir, Hope you are doing well. In this mail, for the benefit of all the readers, we are sharing replies on some often-asked queries by members.   Recommended stocks have corrected in the last 1 year – To put things in perspective: Since Aug’18 the Alpha model portfolio is down 12.84% and if we include the interest on surplus cash, the portfolio will be down only around 11%. For the same period mid cap index is down 17.5%, SENSEX is…

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Letter on Model Portfolio performance, Markets, Position sizing and other details

Dear Sir, I hope you are doing well. It’s been more than a year since we started model portfolio service on 15th Aug’18 and I thought of sharing views on performance, markets and other details. In the last 13 months our Alpha Model Portfolio has delivered negative return of 12.60%. In the above performance we haven’t accounted for interest accrued on surplus cash; however, the same would have improved our performance by ~1.5-2%. For the same period Mid cap index is…

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