
Market outlook: Are we close to the bottom or is there more downside?

Dear Sir, I hope you are doing good. I know it’s not easy to be good considering the way the markets have been since the year and a half; however, we are writing this to share with you our views on the current market situation. Well, nobody knows the future, however we strongly believe in the fact that one can take cues from history because though history doesn’t necessarily repeat the same way, it does rhyme. Right now, most of…

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Google trend: Multibagger stocks…Such a good indicator for Contrarian Investors

Dear Sir, Below is a graph from Google trends for the search term “Multibagger stocks”. The graph basically indicates the interest in the term “Multibagger stocks” over a period of time. So, as the graph indicates, more users searched the term in Dec’07, Oct’10 and Jan’18. Similarly, the interest in the term was lowest in Nov’08, for most of the 2012 and 2013 and now in 2019. Frankly, when I started looking for this kind of data, I didn’t expect…

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Is this the best time for investing in stocks or making corrections in Portfolio?

Dear Sir, When do you think is the best time for investing in stocks? I will give you two scenarios: Scenario #1 – Markets have already appreciated a lot, the valuations are on the higher side, investors and advisors are trumpeting about their gains and past performances, bubbling stock forums, WhatsApp groups, too many IPOs and QIPs happening, good news all around, equity turnover data on the higher side, etc, or Scenario #2 – Stocks are substantially down, valuations on…

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[New]: Stock Investment report – A company worth 1000 crore available at dirt cheap valuations of 370 crore

Dear Sir, Stock market is peculiar…sometimes it is too exuberant and offers an asset worth Rs 100 at Rs 120-150 and sometimes it becomes too despondent and offers the same asset worth Rs 100 at Rs 40-60. Our returns on investments are therefore determined by when we buy the stock: at 40-50 when the market is depressed or 120-150 when the market is elated. Fortunately for us, the small and mid-cap stocks are in depressed state and a lot of…

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