
Basics of how to read Candlestick charts?

Hello Sir, For over a decade, we have followed the principles of growth cum value investing and it has worked quite well for us. However basic chart reading skills have often helped us plan our entries and exits in our fundamental research based stock picks. Today we will share with you the basics of chart reading. In this blog, we will explain what a candlestick chart is and what a candlestick means. We hope you understand that chart reading is…

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4 cash flow ratios to consider when investing in any stock

Hello Reader, A few days back we shared with you ‘4 important ratios to look at when investing in any stock’. We talked about, ROCE, ROE, Interest coverage, debt-equity. In case you missed it, you can check it here – LINK Today, we will discuss some important ratios with respect to the cash flows of the company. As they say, â€˜Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity and cash is reality’.  In our view, no fundamental analysis on any company can ever be complete without understanding the cash flows of the company.   Before that,…

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4 important ratios to look at when investing in any stock – Part 1

Hello Sir,As an investor in stock market, one has to read about companies, their balance sheets, P/L statements and cash flows.We also come across various research reports on companies and obviously all such reports talk about the financial performance of the company in terms of ratios.Finding deep insights that help build conviction in any company’s future does require a lot of work, however there are a few metrics that you can check out in less than 10 minutes and begin…

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