
Beware: Safari Industries is finding it tough to convert profits to cash flows

Dear Sir, Safari Industries is a relatively well known name in the space of Luggage, travel bags and accessories. The company is listed on the exchanges (NSE – SAFARI) and has been quite a wealth creator over the last 6 years appreciating from 60-65 odd levels in Jan’14 to around current levels of 600-630 in Jan’20. That’s around 45% CAGR. Recently, we came across the company while running through one of the screens and the first thing that struck us…

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Market cap top 15 stocks

[Market Polarization] – Some data points…Is it a great investment opportunity?

Dear Sir, The extent of extreme polarization in Indian markets cannot be overstated. We had talked about Polarization a few weeks back (LINK) and recently came across some very important data points and thought of sharing them with you. So, as is evident from the above data, the top 20 stocks have cornered the entire gains over the last 22 months starting Feb’18. All others are in general down. However, as we will see below, this isn’t happening for the…

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KW Stock Reports Track Record (2011-2019)

Dear Sir, We are glad to share with you the Comprehensive Performance of Katalyst Wealth (KW) since its inception. Katalyst Wealth was started in 2011 and we have completed 1 full bull-bear cycle of the markets. From 2011-13, the markets were down in the dumps, then we had a great 2014-17 and now again the markets are down (leaving aside a handful of stocks). A full cycle is long enough and encapsulates both the good and the bad and therefore…

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Put your Second order thinking Cap on…Look for out of favour stocks/sectors

Dear Sir, Decision making is not always as easy as it appears. More often than not our decisions for the future are based on the most recent results and the same can be attributed to first-order thinking. Our failure to consider second and third order consequences is what leads to bad decisions. As Ray Dalio (Investor, Hedge fund manager) says, “Never seize on the first available option, no matter how good it seems, before you’ve asked questions and explored.” The…

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