
[Stock idea] – Som Distilleries…notes from Q3 FY 23 con-call

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.If you enjoy your beer, you might be interested in reading about Som Distilleries Breweries which commands the highest market share in the Beer segment in the state of Madhya Pradesh.The company also has presence in the states of Karnataka, Orissa, Kerala and recently entered the markets of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh.Below, we have shared notes from the Q3 FY 23 con-call transcript of the company: Before that, few days back, we released our New Stock Recommendation for Alpha and Alpha +…

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[Stock Ideas] – Beer industry…large potential for increase in consumption

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.By the way, did you know this – The per capita Beer consumption in India in 2020 was only around 1.2 ltr while the same was 181.70 in Czech Republic.Recently, we were studying a listed Beer company – Som Distilleries and therefore decided to look at some data on Beer consumption in India. Below, we have shared our notes about the industry. Hope you find them useful for your own investments or to add the stocks to your…

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[Stock Idea]: Som Distilleries and Breweries

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.If you enjoy your beer, you might be interested in reading about Som Distilleries which commands the highest market share in the Beer segment in the state of Madhya Pradesh.The company also has presence in the states of Karnataka and Orissa. [New Stock recommendation] – How often does one get a High growth stock, Market leader with almost 50% market share, Minimal debt at Cheap valuations?Not often, right? We think we have found one and recommended recently…

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