stock research

A Great tool for stock research by Department of Commerce

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Yesterday, I came across a great dashboard for stock research purpose wherein you can find export-import data for various commodities. As you might be aware, we have recommended 2 basmati rice stocks: LT Foods and Chaman Lal Setia to our Alpha and Alpha + members. Thus, I was searching for basmati rice export data for the Sep’23 quarter. In the process, I came across a government website wherein one can find export-import data for a large number of…

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Feb’23 – Complete list of stock recommendations

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Today, we would like to share with you our complete list of stocks including our biggest mistakes. I was going through all the stock recommendations made by us since 2011. Found out that we have been covering 3 stocks for more than 8 years now including 1 stock for 11 + years. The returns on all 3 have been decent at 9x, 19x and 28x (including dividends). [2011-2022] Performance Snapshot   *These are not portfolio yearly returns. Year wise XIRRs…

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4.42 years – Tracker sheet monthly performance update

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Today, we would like to share with you our Performance update as on 15th Jan’23. We started providing stock research in 2011 and you can access all the recommendations and their performance by Clicking HERE In 2018, we decided to start maintaining a Tracker Sheet. The purpose of the same was: to share with our members as to how we would act on our research recommendations and to compare our performance with benchmark indices on portfolio…

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[2011-2020]: Year Wise Stock Research Performance

Dear Sir, We are glad to share with you the Comprehensive Performance of Katalyst Wealth (KW) since its inception. KW stock research was started in 2011 and we have completed 1 full bull-bear cycle of the markets. From 2011-13, the markets were down in the dumps, then we had a great 2014-17 and now again the markets are down and starting to recover. A full cycle is long enough and encapsulates both the good and the bad and therefore the…

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