Ekansh Mittal

[Report]: Orient Refractories – Leading MNC company at reasonable valuations

Dear Readers, Recently we shared a detailed report on a leading MNC company, Orient Refractories (NSE Code – ORIENTREF) with our members. The stock was recommended to Alpha and Alpha plus members in Jan’14 at around levels of 42-43 (CMP – 75). In Orient Refractories, what we liked was that we were getting an extremely well-managed company promoted by MNC at a PE of 10 and dividend yield of around 2.5%. Markets usually attribute higher valuations to stocks of well managed MNCs as these are in…

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Piramal Glass de-listing opportunity – Good 24% gain in 3 months

Dear Sir, In Feb’14, Piramal Glass (NSE Code – PIRGLASS), part of Ajay Piramal Group, came up with a de-listing offer with an indicative offer price of 100. Sensing an opportunity with good probable returns and seemingly low downside, we shared Piramal Glass de-listing opportunity with Alpha + members in Feb’14 around the levels of 104-107. Few days back, on 28th May’14, we finally asked our members to exit completely from the stock around Rs 132 and thus closed the opportunity with a gain of 24% in around 3…

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Alpha stock – Niche, debt-free company with strong growth and great valuations

Dear Sir, Recently we released long/medium term investment recommendation for our Alpha and Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same. If you like to invest in niche, good quality debt free small companies growing at 20-25% + annually and still available at ~5 times earnings, then as you will realize on reading the below details, latest alpha recommendation (Name of the company – Eo****t) is one of those companies. You can get a detailed report…

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Ricoh India de-listing opportunity – Potential for 15-20% upside in next 1 month from current levels of 145

Dear Readers, In Nov’13, Ricoh India (BSE Code – 517496) came up with an unprecedented second de-listing offer and we believe there’s high probability of at least 15-20% upside over the next 1 month from the current levels of 145. The company has received all the approvals and has announced the following time-table for the de-listing offer. As can be observed from the below illustration, the entire process is likely to get over by 23rd Jun’14. Ricoh India de-listing opportunity was shared…

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