Ekansh Mittal

Sinclairs Hotels – Buy back offer at 390/- per share (arbitrage opportunity)

Dear Readers, We recently recommended an arbitrage opportunity to our Alpha + members on Sinclairs Hotels’s Buy-back offer at Rs 390/– per share. The above opportunity was shared with members on 29th Sep’13 when the stock was quoting around 320-325. We believe, besides investing in stocks of good companies for long/medium term investment, another smarter way of making money in stock markets is to participate in Arbitrage and Special situation opportunities (SSOs) SSOs constitute opportunities arising out of corporate transactions such as buy-back, de-listing, open…

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Atul Auto Ltd (NSE Code – ATULAUTO) – Small emerging company in the 3-wheeler industry

Dear Readers, We would like to share with you details on the stock recommendation to our Alpha and Alpha + members in the month of Jul’13 – Atul Auto Ltd (NSE Code – ATULAUTO) at Rs 185/- The report has now been made public and is available for reading/downloading at the below provided links. Atul Auto Ltd is a leading manufacturer of 3-wheeler commercial vehicles in the state of Gujarat and now gradually spreading its wings across India. In the last few years the company…

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Bajaj Corp’s Sep’13 results – First quarter since the acquisition of NOMARKS

Dear Readers, Bajaj Corp announced the acquisition of NOMARKS brand on 22nd Aug’13 and Sep’13 quarter is the first quarter since the acquisition. Let’s look at how the company performed and what all has changed after the acquisition. The detailed report on the company shared with Alpha and Alpha + members in Jul’12 at Rs 130/- can be accessed at the following link: Bajaj Corp Ltd – For report click HERE Disclaimer: We ourselves and our members are invested in the stock…

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Paper Products Ltd – Can this company deliver 15% annualized return on your investment?

Dear Readers, We all know that consumption story is playing out well in India and almost every good brand name in the FMCG segment (Dabur, Emami, Hindustan Unilever, ITC, GSK Consumer healthcare, Britannia, Marico, etc) has rewarded its shareholders immensely over the years. What about packaging of such products? Well, any product that you buy from the above mentioned companies needs to be packed and we believe that packaging of any product plays a crucial role in attracting consumers, retaining…

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