Ekansh Mittal

Good investing a matter of psychology, careful thought

Dear Readers, Some people are successful investors, while many are not. A few do well on their own, others do well with professional advice. There are other investors who do poorly — or disastrously — either on their own or with an adviser. When we look at the factors that lead to investing success, we find contradictions, but a lot of consistent principles, as well. Much has to do with psychology. Some investors expect their advisers to be able to…

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Control Print Ltd – Niche operations !!

Dear Readers, CPL i.e. Control Print Ltd is amongst the few companies with in-house manufacturing of coding and marking solutions in India. Control Print has partnered with the leading global players technologically while they use their local manufacturing infrastructure for providing the coding and marking products and solutions for the entire range of manufacturing industries which include Automotive, Agro-Chemicals, Metals, FMCG, Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverage, Wire, Cable, & Pipe, Construction Materials, and Commercial Printing. If we consider the Coding and…

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Capitalize on Modularization of Kitchens? Watch out for

Dear Readers, The modular kitchen industry in India is growing at a rapid space and there are some very evident trends driving the growth of the industry. Household income growth Indian consumers – A clear transition from Aspirers to seekers and strivers Brand consciousness The Indian consumer market, which is primarily dominated by young generation, is becoming increasingly sophisticated and brand conscious. A typical upper middle class young consumer is beginning to look beyond the utility aspect of a product…

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Are you selling under performing stocks from your portf

Dear Readers, During times of distress, it’s a common observation that many investors start booking losses and exit from under performing stocks. While Portfolio re-alignment is a must and one should ensure that he/she is holding right set of stocks, however exiting from a stock just because it has either declined in value since one’s purchase or been an under performer does not help in securing good returns in equity investments. It could rather turn out to be the most…

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