Ekansh Mittal

[Stock notes] – Nath Bio…leading seller of hybrid seeds in India

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well.  Last 2 years were not so good for hybrid seeds sellers. There was covid-19 and also excess sales returns. Source: Nath Bio-Genes website   We went through details of hybrid seeds makers and in general all of them sound bullish for the years ahead. Below, we have shared interesting insights from the Q2 FY 24 con-call of Nath Bio-Genes (India) which is a leading hybrid seeds seller in India and quotes at less than 10…

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A Great tool for stock research by Department of Commerce

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Yesterday, I came across a great dashboard for stock research purpose wherein you can find export-import data for various commodities. As you might be aware, we have recommended 2 basmati rice stocks: LT Foods and Chaman Lal Setia to our Alpha and Alpha + members. Thus, I was searching for basmati rice export data for the Sep’23 quarter. In the process, I came across a government website wherein one can find export-import data for a large number of…

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[Stock notes] – Epigral Ltd…4th largest manufacturer of Chlor-Alkali and its Derivatives in India

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Recently, I was scanning through some stocks and came across Epigral Ltd which is one of the largest Chlor-Alkali and its derivatives manufacturer in India. In case you have never heard of Epigral before, that’s because, earlier its name was Meghmani Finechem. Source: Q4 FY 23 presentation   The company is transitioning from Chlor Alkali to its derivatives and specialty chemicals segment. What’s interesting is that the company’s operating margins are very high at around 30%…

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[Oct’23 Special situation] – Value unlocking through open offer and ownership change

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. Yesterday we released new Special situation opportunity for our Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same. The detailed note can be accessed HERE Special situations constitute opportunities arising out of announced corporate transactions such as De-listing, Open offers, rights issue, de-merger, bankruptcy restructurings, etc. In markets, every investment opportunity comes with certain risks; however with proper research and analysis, one can always participate in opportunities with seemingly low downside and a…

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