Ekansh Mittal

[Stock idea] – Ultramarine and Pigments…notes from Annual Report 22

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.In order to recommend the best stock ideas to our members, we keep looking for new opportunities and add them to our watch list.One such stock in our watch list is Ultramarine & Pigments Ltd.The company has 3 major business divisions – Pigments, Surfactants and ITes.Since the last 1-2 years the company has been expanding capacities and has planned further expansions in the areas of specialty chemicals, fine grade pigments, mixed metal oxides, etc.Below, we have…

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[Stock idea] – Goldiam International…making a mark in Lab Grown Diamond industry

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.In order to recommend the best stock ideas to our members, we keep looking for new opportunities and add them to our watch list.One industry we keep reading about whenever we get an opportunity is – Lab Grown Diamonds (LGDs). As per our understanding, currently Goldiam International is the only major listed company dealing in LGDs.Did you know? The market share of Lab Grown Diamonds (LGDs) is forecast to increase to 10% (of the worldwide diamond market)…

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Latest special situation opportunity

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.On Wednesday, we released our latest Special situation opportunity for our Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same.As you might be aware, special situations constitute opportunities arising out of announced corporate transactions such as De-listing, Open offers, rights issue, de-merger, bankruptcy restructurings, etcIn markets, nothing is risk free; however, if carefully analyzed, one can always participate in opportunities with low downside and a potential for good upside.At the same time, the holding…

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How do we select stocks…with examples

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.Today, we will briefly discuss about – How do we select stocks for Investment?First of all, we have had our fair share of mistakes in stock selection. As we have been recommending stocks to members since 2011, there’s a detailed track record and statistically 2-3 stock recommendations out of 10 have gone wrong in general.You can access the complete list of stock recommendations by Clicking HERENevertheless, the idea is to keep improving, make fewer mistakes, because the…

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