Ekansh Mittal

10% increase in Savings = 135% increase in Wealth !!

Dear Investor, The key to a good financial life is financial planning. Most of the financial blunders we do are stemmed from impulse decisions. Decisions that are not well thought of and are taken in the spur of the moment. In this email we will discuss one such situation that many of us encounter. Many times our income increases through a variety of sources. It could be a Diwali bonus, a salary hike, a freelance project etc. In such situations, we…

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[2011-2021]: Complete List of recommended stocks

Dear Investor, At Katalyst Wealth, we firmly believe in the idea of wealth creation and achieving financial independence using the Power of Equities.    We just love digging up unidentified, undiscovered small-mid cap stocks with great potential for wealth creation.   For the same we put in countless hours of research, due-diligence, discussions and focus on the key aspects of the nature of business, management quality, financial performance and most importantly the valuations at which we are getting the business.   We understand…

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How to decide when to Sell a Stock?

Dear Investor, It is said that knowing when to sell a stock is much more difficult than knowing when to buy a stock. Yes, if you end up selling too soon and the stock rises further, there’s a feeling of regret. Similarly, if you don’t sell and the stock crashes, the pain is much deeper. We believe, there can never be a perfect trade, i.e., you end up buying just at the bottom and sell at the peak. Even if…

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How stocks helped me achieve Financial freedom..!!

Dear Investor, Hope you are doing well. Recently, I was asked by the team of Money9 to share my journey of stock investing and I am glad to share with you that they have published it at the following – LINK     It was a pleasure to be writing about my journey as it gave me an opportunity to look back at my investing career and hopefully share small nuggets of wisdom for the benefit of all. To be frank, I was…

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