
[Portfolio Stock] – FIEM Industries – Sole supplier of various lamps to Ola Electric

Dear Investor, We don’t like losing money and that’s why we are very fond of low-risk opportunities. Yes, the ones where there’s not much market euphoria and therefore the downside is low while the long-medium term potential is immense. Well, it so happened that during the 2019 downturn of the auto industry, we identified an auto-ancillary stock that was available at only 8.5 times earnings and the promoters themselves were buying the stock. The stock was: FIEM Industries (NSE: FIEMIND)…

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[Portfolio Stock]: Maithan Alloys – One of the most Profitable Metal Stocks

Dear Investor, We are very fond of low-risk opportunities. Yes, the ones where there’s not much market euphoria and therefore the downside is low while the long-medium term potential is immense.   Well, it so happened that even before Covid-19 struck us in 2020 we identified a few metal stocks. Interestingly, unlike now, back then no one was interested in metal stocks when they were available at 1/2, 1/3rd, 1/4th of their current values.   We shared one such metal stock idea on Maithan Alloys (NSE – MAITHANALL) with our premium members. The detailed…

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