
Good news for investors with 3-4 years horizon

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.In the last 1 month there has been flurry of good news for Investors who have a 3-4 years investment horizon or more. Let’s look at them:’SIP stoppage ratio, the ratio of closed accounts under SIP to new account openings, shot to 27 months high of 0.68 in Feb against long-term average of 0.51’Clearly, those who wanted quick returns and didn’t know about market cycles are losing interest and clearing way for medium-long term investors…

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[Stock idea] – Sharda Motor…leading exhaust systems supplier to OEMs

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.You must have surely heard of terms like BS-IV and BS-VI, but have you heard of terms like RDE, TREM-V? Recently, I was going through the details of Sharda Motor Industries which commands 30% market share in exhaust systems in passenger vehicles/LCV segment.From the con-call, I learnt about TREM V emissions standards and RDE norms which will open up opportunities for the company in the Tractors, PV and the CV segments.Below, we have shared our notes from the Q3…

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[Stock idea] – Aarti Drugs…notes for a leading pharma API company

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.Remember, in late 2020, Pharma API companies were the darling of the market. Most are down 50-60% from their highs and in downtrend. Their high margins of FY 20-21 didn’t sustain.It seems like earnings may have bottomed out and some of them seem to be available at reasonable valuations from a 3-4 years investment perspective.Aarti Drugs is a major player in the pharma API segment and has been a very lucky stock for us.We have recommended…

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[Special Situation] – Triveni Engineering buy back…100% acceptance ratio

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.On 9th Nov’22, we released Triveni Engineering (NSE Code – TRIVENI) Special situation opportunity for our Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same.What’s interesting about this opportunity is that probably after a long time there was 100% acceptance ratio in small-shareholders category in a buy back opportunity which resulted in good gains of around 25% in 4 months for the investors.Only 23.76 lakh shares tendered in small-shareholder category against reserved number of 34.28 lakh In our report to…

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