
We largely invest in Small and Mid Cap Stocks…and have our reasons for the same !!

Dear Investor,Let me share with you an interesting snippet from the book ‘One up on Wall Street’ by the legendary investor Peter Lynch.He says that during his time in the market he noticed that fund managers usually refrained from investing in unknown stocks. The key reason he identified for this was that when a fund manager wanted to invest in a computer business and he/she chose a name unheard of and the stock did not work well, then the entire…

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5 Key Habits of a Successful Investor

Dear Investor, If you are a frequent reader, you would know that we have a checklist that we use to screen the companies that we invest in. Well, I was recently updating that checklist and suddenly had a realization. Just like we assign key attributes that a company must have in order to be considered a worthwhile investment, we could also build a checklist that could guide our investment decisions and help us become a successful investor. After working on…

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Unpleasant Truths about Investing…Nobody dares to tell you

Dear Investor, I will share with you an unpleasant truth. Everybody wants us to trade frequently, including our broker, our advisors and you know why? Because we enjoy tinkering with our portfolio all the time. And, since we like it, nobody wishes to lose our business by telling us to buy good businesses and sit patiently over them. We all like comforting lies more than unpleasant truths, and one unpleasant truth is that for most of the investors, buying right…

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We do not invest in IPOs. Here’s why?

Dear Investor, For quite some time we have been receiving queries regarding the IPO frenzy that has been going on in the markets. We have also been asked why we never recommend subscribing to any IPO. In this email we would like to share with you our thought process on why we usually refrain from investing in IPOs. 5 key points: Trustworthy Management – We believe that investing in a stock is no different than partnering with a company. Now if…

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