Good news for investors with 3-4 years horizon

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.In the last 1 month there has been flurry of good news for Investors who have a 3-4 years investment horizon or more. Let’s look at them:’SIP stoppage ratio, the ratio of closed accounts under SIP to new account openings, shot to 27 months high of 0.68 in Feb against long-term average of 0.51’Clearly, those who wanted quick returns and didn’t know about market cycles are losing interest and clearing way for medium-long term investors…

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Eye opening numbers on right age to start investing

Hello Sir,Today, let me talk about the most important habit that everyone should build as early as possible in life.  It is the habit of Saving and Investing!!I was lucky enough to start earning small sums of money at the age of 21 and started investing in stocks as I had some exposure to stock market due to my family background.Recently, I came across an illustration by L&T Financial services mutual fund and the numbers were quite astonishing to say the least.…

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Is it time to be greedy in the market?

Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well. In this article, we will tell you if it’s time to be Greedy in the market and therefore what should you do as an Investor. A question that’s haunting anyone remotely connected to the markets is, ‘Has the market bottomed out or not?’ Basically, everyone wishes to time the market. Also, I think it’s a big lie when anyone says, ‘You shouldn’t try to time the market’. Well, one cannot time it to…

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