Ekansh Mittal

Is this the best time for investing in stocks or making corrections in Portfolio?

Dear Sir, When do you think is the best time for investing in stocks? I will give you two scenarios: Scenario #1 – Markets have already appreciated a lot, the valuations are on the higher side, investors and advisors are trumpeting about their gains and past performances, bubbling stock forums, WhatsApp groups, too many IPOs and QIPs happening, good news all around, equity turnover data on the higher side, etc, or Scenario #2 – Stocks are substantially down, valuations on…

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[New]: Stock Investment report – A company worth 1000 crore available at dirt cheap valuations of 370 crore

Dear Sir, Stock market is peculiar…sometimes it is too exuberant and offers an asset worth Rs 100 at Rs 120-150 and sometimes it becomes too despondent and offers the same asset worth Rs 100 at Rs 40-60. Our returns on investments are therefore determined by when we buy the stock: at 40-50 when the market is depressed or 120-150 when the market is elated. Fortunately for us, the small and mid-cap stocks are in depressed state and a lot of…

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Anjani Portland Cement Ltd (NSE – APCL) – May’19 Alpha/Alpha Plus stock

Dear Members, We have released 25th May’19: Anjani Portland Cement Ltd (NSE Code – APCL) – Alpha/Alpha Plus stock for May’19. For details and other updates, please log into the website at the following link – https://katalystwealth.com/index.php/my-account/ Note: For any queries, mail us at [email protected] Date: 25th May’19 CMP – 153.15 (BSE); 155.40 (NSE) Rating – Positive – 4% weightage; this is not an investment advice (refer rating interpretation)   Introduction Anjani Portland Cement (APCL) is engaged in the business of manufacturing cement. It is part…

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Why do investors make the same mistake again and again?

Dear Sir, Just look at the below equity turnover data and you will know what I am saying. Source:bseindia.com Every time the markets correct in a big way (2008-09, 2011-12, 2018-19), the investor participation goes down substantially. Frankly, it’s painful to see the investors make the same mistake of entering the market at highs and exiting at lows. In fact, I see the same pattern with some of my friends and relatives who were pursuing me aggressively in 2016, 2017…

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