Ekansh Mittal

Excerpts from Warren Buffett’s letter (2014) to Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders

Dear Readers, It’s always a delight to read Warren Buffett’s letter to Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders. This time it’s no different. For your reference I have attached the file with this post and at the same time produced below his views on Investment in equities Vs fixed income securities, on market volatility, active trading and business acquisition criteria. Warren Buffett’s views on equity investment Vs fixed income securities Investment in equities Vs fixed income securities – Our investment results have been helped by a terrific tailwind. During the…

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Panasonic Appliances India – Stock de-listing opportunity with decent 16% gain in 3.5 months

Dear Readers, In Oct’14, Panasonic Appliances India (BSE Code – 523307), subsidiary of Panasonic Corporation, Japan came up with a de-listing offer for the public shareholders. Sensing a short term opportunity with good probable returns we shared Panasonic Appliances de-listing opportunity with Alpha + members on 30th Oct’14 around the levels of 275. Few days back, on 15th Feb’15, we finally asked our members to exit completely from the stock around Rs 320 and thus closed the opportunity with a gain of 16% + in around 3.5 months (4.56% returns by…

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[Latest] – Alpha stock: To benefit from lower interest rates, improving Auto sales and lower fuel prices

Dear Sir, Recently we shared details on a very good company with our Alpha and Alpha + members and would like to share with you details on the same. These are interesting times for auto ancillary companies in India; crude prices are falling, interest rates have started trending lower and after a slump of 2 years automobiles sales are expected to improve in the months and quarters ahead. What can add icing to the cake is if someone can find a good company with…

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[Report]: Century Plyboards – Leading plywood and laminates manufacturer…targeting 5000 crore by 2020

Dear Sir, Recently, in Aug’14 we shared our findings on Century Plyboards (NSE Code – CENTURYPLY) which is India’s leading plywood and laminates manufacturer. The stock was recommended to Alpha and Alpha plus members in August 2014 at around levels of 85-88 (CMP – 173). Century Plyboards – Basic details Century Plyboards is India’s leading wood-panel Company. It operates mainly in two segments: plywood and laminates. Plywood brings in ~76% of its revenues, laminates about 18%. Container Freight Stations (CFS) account for the remaining. The…

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