Ekansh Mittal

[Stock Idea]: Everest Kanto Cylinders…leading steel CNG cylinders maker

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.While everyone has been talking about the EV space and looking for investment opportunities, did you know, major underlying shifts are happening in the CNG segment and massive growth is expected over the next 8-10 years.In May’22 we shared a new stock recommendation with our Premium Members which could benefit from the massive growth expected in the CNG segment. You can read about the company HERE.Today, we would like to bring to your notice Everest Kanto Cylinders and share notes from its…

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[Stock Idea]: Apex Frozen Foods…leading shrimps exporter

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.Next 6-12 months look crucial from the view of wealth creation over the next 3-4 years.As they say, it takes a prepared mind to capitalize on the opportunities and we have therefore intensified our research to identify potential investment opportunities.Today, we would like to bring to your notice Apex Frozen foods and share notes from its latest presentation. Since the last few years the Shrimp industry hasn’t done very well and the stocks are down 50-60% from their 2017…

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[Portfolio stock]: FIEM Industries…leading Auto Lamps maker

Hello Sir,Hope you are doing well.Based on the market movement of the last few months, it would be difficult to find many stocks trading around 52 week high/all time high zone. Luckily, we have 5-6 such stocks which are trading around 52 week high or all time high levels.One of them is FIEM Industries (NSE: FIEMIND)The detailed report on FIEM Industries can be read at the following link (free access, no login required) – LINKWe shared the report on 31st Jul’19 with our Premium members when the stock was trading around 360 odd levels. Recently, we…

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